In this specific part of Ecuador they have a very high number of clef-lip/clef-palette patients. In our time there we saw 19 patients with this condition and did 9 reconstructive surgeries. I was able to take photos in one surgery and I was completely blown away by the procedure. Our surgeon, Richard Topazian fixed the cleft lip, the surgery was about 1.5 hours. It was a process of cutting deeper into the lip and nose to firmly attach the skin. This patient in particular, 6month old Luis, had what is called a “full complete” meaning the lip is disconnected in two places. We preformed the first and less serious of 3 surgeries this Child will need to fully repair the defect. The first to correct the lip, second to repair the cleft pallet on the inside and third will be a series of plastic surgeries to reshape the mouth, as it still looks deformed after the first surgeries. The plastic surgery phases are something that usually will never be done.

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